Thursday, January 31, 2019

80-20 Rule


The 80 20 rule, also known as Pareto Principle is one of the helpful concepts for life and management. This rule suggests that 20 percent of your activities will account for 80 percent of your result.

20% activities ===> 80% results.

How Does It Work ?

The concept suggests two out of ten items, on any general to-do list, will turn out to be worth more than the other eight items put together.

The sad fact is that most people do not focusing on the 20% of things that are most valuable and important but more focused on the 80% of that are least important.

How To Apply ?

1. First list down some thing that you want to do.

2. Then sort them according to the most important to the least important.

3. Lastly, start to do your work based on the most important task first. 

Wednesday, January 30, 2019



Di dalam kehidupan, terdapat empat jenis personaliti berbeza yang ada pada manusia. Setiap orang akan memiliki satu personaliti. Antara empat personaliti itu ialah api, tanah air dan juga angin. Keempat-empat personaliti berikut mempunyai cir-ciri yang tersendiri.


Elemen api lebih kepada mereka yang berani untuk mengambil risiko. Antara sifat-sifat yang ada pada elemen api adalah :-
  • kreatif
  • dinamis
  • aktif
  • inovatif
  • suka bersuara
  • suka mengambil risiko

Kelebihan :

Antara kelebihan elemen api adalah mereka cepat mengadaptasikan diri apabila mereka masuk ke tempat baru. Mereka sering mendapat perhatian, dan jika perlu, mereka akan bersaing untuk menunjukkan siapa yang terbaik. Sifat mereka yang berani mengambil risiko membuatkan orang yang lain kagum.

Kelemahan :

Kebanyakan mereka yang mempunyai elemen api hanya suka mencari kawan atau teman yang boleh membuat mereka untung. Emosi api yang membara ternyata hanya untuk mendapatkan perhatian dan menunjukkan siapa yang terbaik. Mereka juga suka menyakitkan perasaan orang lain demi mendapatkan apa yang mereka mahu.

//Elemen yang sesuai untuk elemen api ialah air kerana mereka boleh menenangkan api saat api tidak dapat dikawal.


Elemen air lebih kepada mereka yang suka berimaginasi. Antara sifat-sifat yang ada pada elemen air adalah :-
  • emosional
  • sensitif
  • penyayang
  • mudah tersentuh
  • bernaluri tajam
  • mempunyai daya imaginasi yang tinggi
  • kreatif

Kelebihan :

Antara kelebihan elemen air ialah mereka sentiasa terlihat tenang dan berkeyakinan diri. Mereka terkenal dengan pergaulan mereka yang tenang yang boleh membuatkan orang sekeliling berasa selesa di samping mereka. Salah satu sifat menonjol mereka ialah mereka tidak ragu-ragu untuk membantu orang yang susah kerana sifat mereka yang mudah tersentuh dan sensitif itu. Walaupun nampak santai, elemen air memiliki potensi luar biasa untuk mencapai matlamat. Tidak mengejutkan sekiranya mereka berjaya dalam bidang karier mahupun percintaan. Kuncinya hanya kombinasi kecerdasan otak dan mengambil peluang di depan mata.

Kelemahan :

Elemen ini suka bergurau namun tidak suka apabila diri mereka dijadikan bahan ketawa. Mereka suka berdendam dan akan membalasnya yang kadang-kadang kita tidak sedar. Sekiranya mereka tidak dihargai, mereka sanggup untuk membuat orang lain berasa tidak tenang. 

//Elemen yang sesuai untuk elemen air ialah api kerana boleh menyeimbangkan keduanya walaupun berbeza pendapat.


Elemen tanah lebih kepada mereka yang suka bekerja keras. Antara sifat-sifat yang ada pada elemen tanah adalah :-
  • merendah diri
  • well organized
  • bermatlamat
  • bekerja keras
  • boleh dibawa berbincang
  • penuh dedikasi

Kelebihan :

Antara kelebihan elemen tanah ialah mereka tidak membuang masa. Mereka juga lebih suka berada di belakang daripada menonjol di depan umum sesuai dengan sifat mereka yang merendah diri dan pemalu. Elemen tanah tidak perlu susah-susah untuk mencari kawan kerana orang sekeliling suka akan sifat keperibadian mereka. Sebagai rakan tempat kerja, elemen tanah memang mudah dibawa bincang untuk menghadapai saat sukar bersama-sama. Sanggup mengorbankan kesenangan peribadi, untuk memberikan yang terbaik kepada orang sekeliling mereka. Kebanyakan tanah mampu mencapai puncak karier. Beruntungnya, kejayaan mereka itu selalu mendapat sokongan penuh oleh semua orang.

Kelemahan :

Walaupun terlihat seperti tidak suka dipuji, sebenarnya mereka sangat menikmatinya. Bagi mereka, pujian merupakan semangat untuk mereka meningkatkan kepercayaan diri. Tanah juga bisa menjadi pengkhianat terselubung jika mendapat kepercayaan berlebihan dengan alasan ingin menunjukkan teori mereka betul. Perhatian tanah yang terperinci boleh membuatkan orang sekeliling tidak senang. Jika tidak bisa mengikuti kerja mereka, mereka lebih memilih untuk bekerja sendiri.

//Elemen yang sesuai untuk elemen tanah ialah angin kerana angin fleksibel untuk melayan karenah tanah.


Elemen angin lebih kepada mereka yang mudah untuk beradaptasi. Antara sifat-sifat yang ada pada elemen angin adalah :-
  • energik
  • multitasking
  • mudah bergaul
  • elegen
  • pandai berkomunikasi
  • semangat berpasukan

Kelebihan :

Kelemahan :

//Elemen yang sesuai untuk elemen tanah ialah angin kerana angin fleksibel untuk melayan karenah tanah.

Sunday, January 27, 2019


How To Use Gitlab ?

Gitlab Process

When converting to git you have to get used to the fact that there are three steps before a commit is shared with colleagues. Most version control systems have only one step, committing from the working copy to a shared server

Three steps :-

1. Add file from the working copy to the stage area.

2. The file then will be transfer into the local repo.(repository)

3. Lastly, pushed the file to a shared remote repository.

All of the steps have been explained above. To be more specific :-

1. Start from using Sourcetree, click on the master branch and make a new branch.

2. Any changes on file that you want to make must be at that branch. Make sure to not making any change at master branch.

3. After you have finished make a change, at the new branch click on the file status. Then stage all the file that you have make a change. Then click commit to commit all the file.

4. After that, click push to push all the files to a shared remote repository.

5. Then open your Gitlab, and make a request to merge your branch with the master branch. (merge request)

6. Just wait until your request being approved.

7. If approved, click pushed to pushed the new merge file.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019


What is GIT ?


Open source distributed version control system designed to tracking changes in source code during project development.

Git have a lot of software tools that can be used. The most familiar tools are Github and Gitlab.
For me, i have used Gitlab during my internship.

Function of Git

Git is version control system or can be called as source control, is the management of changes to documents, computer programs, large web sites, and other collections of information. This system is used when a project is done in a group or company. Any changes that have been done by one developer can be seen by others developer, so that the project is standardized. 

Type of Workflow

There are several type of workflow for Git. What is Git workflow ?
Git workflow is a recommendation for how to use Git to accomplish work in a consistent and productive manner.

Centralized Workflow


Feature Branch Workflow


Gitflow Workflow


Forking Workflow


Saturday, January 19, 2019


What is Codeigniter ?

Codeigniter is an open-source project that is easy to use and object-oriented PHP web application framework. It providing a ready-to-use library to use with your own PHP applications.

CodeIgniter is based on the Model-View-Controller (MVC) development pattern. MVC is a software approach that separates application logic from presentation.

What is MODEL ?

This file represents your data structures. Typically, your model classes will contain functions that help you retrieve, insert and update information in your database.

What is VIEW?

It is information that is being presented to a user. A View will normally be a web page, but in Codeigniter, a view can also be a page fragment like a header or footer.


The Controller serves as an intermediary between the Model, the View, and any other resources needed to process the HTTP request and generate a web page.

***Extra Knowledge***

Codeigniter is a framework to develop a website. So what is FRAMEWORK ?

framework, in computer programming is an abstraction in which common code providing generic functionality can be selectively overridden or specialized by user code providing specific functionality.

Monday, January 14, 2019


What is the DIFFERENT ?

What is Efficient ?

Performing or functioning in the best possible manner with the least waste of time and effort.
Efficiency is a ratio of quality representing an ability to maximize the outputs with minimal inputs. 


What is Effective?

Adequate to accomplish a purpose. Producing the intended or expected result.
Effectiveness is about an ability to adequately accomplish an intended purpose. It focuses on the outputs.

Being efficient is about doing the things in the right manner.
Being effective is about doing the right things.

If we maximize the outputs with minimal inputs, we are efficient.
If we accomplish the purpose, we are effective.

The Difference of HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP

HTML, CSS, Javascript and PHP are some of the Web Technologies. It is a communication between computer that use markup language.

What is HTML ?

HTML stands for ”Hypertext Markup Language”, and is the standard language used for building web pages. HTML can be considered to contain the building blocks for a web page: it contains the content, structured through the use of HTML tags, of what will ultimately be displayed to the user.
In HTML tags are used to structure content sections such as navigation menus, headings, paragraphs, images, videos, and lists. Some examples of these tags include paragraphs (<p>), headings of various levels (<h1> through <h6>), and images (<img>).

What is CSS ?

CSS stands for ‘Cascading Style Sheets’  and this is what makes your content look pretty! You use CSS to target the different parts of your webpage and add visual styles to them.

What is Javascript ?

JavaScript adds interactivity to websites. To be specific, JS is a client-side scripting language, which means the scripts are running directly in the user’s browser (the browser being the client). JS scripts can be triggered by a user’s interaction with the page. Client side is also often referred to as front-end.

What is PHP?

PHP (meant to stand for "Hypertext Processor") is a server-side(or back-end) scripting language. With server-side scripting, the scripting happens on a server. What this means is that the scripting is already completed by the time the site is rendered on browser. That’s where the term back end come from — think of it like “behind the scenes”.

The Meaning of "RATING" ?

What is RATING ?

Rating is an evaluation or assessment about something, in terms of quality, quantity or both.

But how do we rate ?

It can be done in various way.
One of them is by using numbers that have been clarify from 1-5 .

1 = Very Bad  
2 = Bad           
3 = Average    
4 = Good         
5 = Very Good

Bad and Very Bad - Usually for someone who did not complete their task and did not submit their work on time. (Do not meet the expectation.)

Average                  - Someone who meet the expectation by completed and submit their task on time.

Good and Very Good - Someone who exceed the expectation or outstanding. Submit their work before the deadline and do the task more than have been asked.


 To pass parameter to next page, first we need to make sure that we have 2 pages which is page from and page to. In page from ts file, you h...