Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Codeigniter How to make Onclick showHide Radio Button Function (Javascript)

All the code will be coded inside view file. First make your radio button.

<input type="radio" id="expense" name="transaction" onclick="ShowHideDiv()" checked /><?php echo lang('title_expense')?>
<input type="radio" id="income" name="transaction" onclick="ShowHideDiv()" /><?php echo lang('title_income')?>

Make sure the radio button have an id and the same name. Also put onclick that equal to function that you want. For this project we want ShowHideDiv  func.

Then make the div that you want to show or hide.

<div id="expense_list" style="block: none">
//anything that you want to put inside this div
//it can be table or something
</div >

<div id="income_list" style="show: none">
//anything that you want to put inside this div
//it can be table or something
</div >

Lastly make the jquery script to make the ShowHideDiv() func.

<script type="text/javascript">
function ShowHideDiv() {
    var expense = document.getElementById("expense");
    var income = document.getElementById("income");
    var expense_list = document.getElementById("expense_list");
    var income_list = document.getElementById("income_list");
    expense_list.style.display = expense.checked ? "block" : "none";
    income_list.style.display = income.checked ? "block" : "none";

"block" : "none"  - means the func to hide the content is block.
"show" : "none"  - means the func will show nothing.(hide content)

Monday, February 25, 2019

CodeIgniter How to Make send Email Function

First, make a hidden form of table id in view to call it at controller.


echo form_hidden('id', $table->id);

Then make a send_email function inside controller file.


  public function send_email($id)
    $leave = $this->one_model->get('table', $id);
    $staff = $this->one_model->get('staff', $leave->created_by);
    $approver = $this->one_model->get('staff', $staff->leave_approver_id);
    $organization = $this->one_model->get('organizations', $leave->org_id);
    $apply_date = date_create($leave->created_at);
    $apply_date = date_format($apply_date, DATE_FORMAT);
    $date_start = date_create($leave->date_start);
    $date_start = date_format($date_start, DATE_FORMAT);
    $date_end = date_create($leave->date_end);
    $date_end = date_format($date_end, DATE_FORMAT);

    // construct msg - with invoice link inside
    $message = '

Permohonan cuti diterima seperti berikut:

Pemohon Cuti: '.$staff->name.'
Tarikh Permohonan: '.$apply_date.'
Tarikh Mula: '.$date_start.'
Tarikh Akhir: '.$date_end.'
Jumlah Hari: '.$leave->total_day.'
Sebab: '.$leave->reason.'

Untuk memberi maklum balas sila ke localhost/smap/lu/'.$leave->secure_id.'

Terima kasih';



    $this->mailgun->subject("Permohonan Cuti ($staff->name)");



Controller process

    $id = $post['id'];


CodeIgniter How to make filter function

How to make filter function in PHP.


For view, first make the dropdown list and filter button.

<?php echo form_open(''); ?>
<table width="100%">
<td align="right">
<?php echo form_dropdown('name', $array_list, $selected_array, 'class="form-control input-inline input-small"'); ?>
<input type="submit" value="<?php echo lang('lbl_filter'); ?>" class="btn btn-primary" />
<?php echo form_close(); ?>

'name' = data name that will to represent the data and be used to call in controller.
$array_list = data that you want to display inside the dropdown.
$selected_array = array that you have select to filter.

Controller list

$data = array();

      $data['selected_array'] = '';
      if ($post = $this->input->post()) {
        $post = $post = $this->input->post();
        $data_name = $post['name']; //data name that hv been set in view
        if (!empty($name)) {
          $this->db->where("column in table = $data_name");
          $data['selected_array'] = $data_name;

This controller is used to set the filter function.



What is @getnada ?

An temporary email services to avoid spam. It is mean that we get a chances to create a temporary email address and remain active long enough for you to receive a reply from whoever the address was given to. Then you don't have to use it again.

How to use nada?

1. Go to @getnada.com
2. Click Add Inbox - put any names you want and choose any domain
3. Then paste the email created at any places you want
4. Inbox will received according your email created


 To pass parameter to next page, first we need to make sure that we have 2 pages which is page from and page to. In page from ts file, you h...